
Frederic S. Fox


Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP
850 Third Avenue, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10022


Fred Fox first associated with Kaplan Fox in 1984, and became a partner in the firm in 1991. He has concentrated his work in the area of class action litigation. Mr. Fox has played important roles in many major class action cases. He was one of the lead trial lawyers in two recent securities class actions, one of which was the first case tried to verdict under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Mr. Fox currently represents many institutional investors including governmental entities in both class actions and individual litigation, including In re Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Securities, Derivative & ERISA Litigation, which was recently settled for $475 million. Mr. Fox is currently serving as lead counsel on behalf of major public pension funds in pending securities litigation arising out of Bank of America’s acquisition of Merrill Lynch. Mr. Fox also represents institutional clients in pending securities litigation involving Fannie Mae, Sequenom, Ambac and Credit Suisse and in the past has served as lead counsel in numerous cases, including In re Merrill Lynch Research Reports Securities Litigation (S.D.N.Y.) (arising from analyst reports issued by Henry Blodget); In re Salomon Analyst Williams Litigation (S.D.N.Y.) and In re Salomon Focal Litigation (S.D.N.Y.) (both actions stemming from analyst reports issued by Jack Grubman). Mr. Fox is a frequent speaker and panelist in both the U.S and abroad on a variety of topics including securities litigation and corporate governance.

In the consumer protection area, he served on the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee in the Baycol Products Litigation where there have been more than $350 million in settlements. Additionally, he is serving as one of the Co-lead Counsel in In re RC2 Corp. Toy Lead Paint Products Liability Litigation pending in the Northern District of Illinois.

Mr. Fox is listed in the current editions of New York Super Lawyers and is recognized in Benchmark Litigation 2010 as a New York “Litigation Star.”

Mr. Fox is the author of “Current Issues and Strategies in Discovery in Securities Litigation,” ATLA, 1989 Reference Material; “Securities Litigation: Updates and Strategies,” ATLA, 1990 Reference Material; and “Contributory Trademark Infringement: The Legal Standard after Inwood Laboratories, Inc. v. Ives Laboratories,” University of Bridgeport Law Review, Vol. 4, No. 2.

During law school, Mr. Fox was the notes and comments editor of the University of Bridgeport Law Review.

B.A., Queens College (1981)
J.D., Bridgeport School of Law (1984)

Bar affiliations and court admissions: 
Bar of the State of New York (1985)
Bar of the District of Columbia (2013)
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Courts of Appeals for the First, Second, Fourth, Sixth and Eleventh Circuits
U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, the District of Colorado and for the District of Columbia

Professional affiliations: 
American Bar Association
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Chairman, Commercial Law Section, 1991-92)